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A member registered Oct 29, 2020

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by the way the 2012m client comes with terrain but with the caveat that it wouldn't load characters when you run servers

i wana make a client, but to be honest, i have no idea what the hell im doing

what i need help with

  • What the limits are of making clients 
  • an estimate of what clients work
  • how to make a client

its ok


off topic but could you give it to me

Novetus community » Modding · Created a new topic Late 2011 roblox

Sorta Want to have voxel terrain.

Any good late 2011 roblox clients i can get without discord

i wish to make the 2006 icons and insert them into the 2006 client. the only problem is that i don't know how and that i don`t know the icon set for 2006 roblox.

off topic but what does the glue tool do

im not following you in the header

thanks. this was a big help for me. now we can play together

can you elaborate on that a little more please

I don`t know how to set up a server. because never done it before. kinda don`t really have a use for running a server except for playing with my sister.